Sunday, March 13, 2011

dang it

i'm kicking myself for not posting.  not only because i want you guys to know whats going on, but for me to have a journal of sorts to remember everything. 

i'm going to write some posts over the next few days to catch you up on the past 6 1/2 months.  its been so much fun having adelie in our lives :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Where are they?

All the photos of the cutest baby in the whole wide world?  Well, they are all on a page I started on Snapfish!  If I haven't sent you an invite yet, let me know and I will.  That way, you can see our sweet Adelie :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here it is!

The photo is a little blurry, but you get the idea.  She even has a little dimple on her right cheek.  So sweet :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

To the zoo!!

The zookeepers tried to keep her when they saw her toes.  They just knew that she had escaped from the monkey pen.  But don't worry...I saved her :)

Adelie and I road up to Atlanta with Bliss early Thursday morning.  He dropped us off and our friend's house then went on to work.  I felt bad but somebody has to keep making money in this family.  Anyway, Mandi, James, Adelie and I went out to breakfast and had some of the world's best pancakes (per the NY Times) then headed to Zoo Atlanta!

It was great!  Since it was a Thursday and during the school year, there weren't very many people there.  All the animals were right up front so that we could see them and take photos.  I loved it!  Adelie did least the parts she didn't sleep though :)  

Mandi bought Adelie a stuffed panda.  It was so cute, she couldn't take her eyes off it!  I guess it was that whole black and white thing.  Loved it! 


Adelie and the real panda

 In the gorilla part, there are two sections, one for all the bachelor gorillas and one for the family.  The pic above was one of the bachelors just chillin', doing his thing.  Below is a momma holding a baby.  Her back was too us but the baby kept peaking around her.  So cute!

On the way out, James told Mandi and me that Adelie told him the komodo dragon was her favoite part.  I don't know about that, but he was pretty cool.


This is just too funny...her whole upper body is in the face hole!
A big thanks to Mandi and James for taking us!  We both loved it.  Adelie can't wait to go back when she's a little bigger and can see more than 2 feet in front of her!

She smiled :)

Yesterday morning we were laying in bed having just fed Adelie and the little bugger smiled at me!  I waited for her to do it again to make sure it wasn't just gas.  Lo and behold she did!  I woke up Bliss so he could see too.  As soon as she smiled at him, he said that now she can have anything she wants.  She just needs to smile at him.  Poor man doesn't stand a chance with such a pretty little girl :)

I wasn't able to get a photo or video of it but I'll keep working on it and will post it as soon as I do!

Friday, October 1, 2010

1 Month!!

I know I just posted about her arrival, but its been a busy month!  Just as a warning, this is long but there are lots of pics to distract you :)

Adelie is ONE MONTH OLD!!!  Holy crap that went by fast :) 

As you can imagine, its been a month full of firsts! Let me start with her homecoming though.
in the car about to head home

We got to come home Friday the 3rd.  When we got here, Grammy (Bliss' mom), was here waiting for us with a beautifully decorated house.

dont mind my dead bush in the middle

Baba (my mom) arrived later that day and they both loved all over their new grand daughter.

That weekend she got her first hair washing/sponge bath in the sink.

Baba didn't have much time to take off from work and had to go home on Monday.  That same day we went to the Adelie's first doctors visit.  She weighed in at 8 lbs, the same as she left the hospital.  The doctor was very happy with everything and said she was perfect :)

Luckly Grammy stayed for the next week to take care of all of us.  She was a great help.  On that Wednesday, we had our first real outing.  Grammy, Adelie, and I went out to run some errands and had lunch.  Adelie did wonderfully and slept though it all.  That evening was a little rough for our little girl.  She started crying and we couldn't make her stop.  So of course, I cried too.  Grammy went and got her some gas drops as Bliss and I gave her a bath.  She quieted right down while in the tub but started crying again when we took her out.  Right after that Grammy got back with the gas drops and all was well again.

Grammy stayed until the next Saturday when Christina and her youngest Jillian arrived.  Adelie slept the whole trip to the airport and though meeting her cousin and aunt.  Oh well!  She had plenty of time to get to know them over the next 10 days. 

Adelie and Jillian with "broken" necks
We got Adelie's new born photos done on Sunday after Christina arrived.  Our friend Adnan took them for us and I'm so excited to see them.  I'll post some when I get them back.  That night was the first time I left Adelie.  Christina was a great babysitter :) The next day, Adelie became a big girl and lost her bellybutton!  I'm going to be honest, it was a little gross.

my big girl with a real bellybutton

Not much else happened around here until the next weekend when Baba and Papa Jeff arrived.  Papa Jeff got to meet Adelie and spend some more time with Jillian.

 They left on Monday.  Adelie went to the doctor again.  She was 9 lbs 8 oz and 21.5 inches long.  For those not great with math, that means she gained 1.5 lbs and grew an inch in 2 weeks!!   Dr. Slade made jokes about how I don't have any skim milk, only cream and that I could feed all the babies :)  At least my baby is getting what she needs.

Christina and Jillian left on Tuesday.  Bliss and I were really grateful to have all the help that we did.  It would have been much harder without everyone taking care of us.  Now we're enjoying life as our little family!
the 1st time she slept on daddy's chest - 9/28

1st time in highchair and fell asleep - 9/26

1st time on activity mat - 9/24
shower pic - 9/19

1st shower 9/19

giving herself a hickey - 9/7

check out that foot! - 9/7

1st bottle - 9/22

Adelie Elizabeth's Arrival

Adelie Elizabeth Jourdan
Born September 1, 2010 at 9:44 pm
8 lbs 4.4 oz and 20.5 in long

On Tuesday Aug 31st, Bliss' mom Vicki arrived in the afternoon.  She took Bliss and I out to eat that night then we packed up and headed to the hospital so they could start my induction.  We got there about 11 and they checked me in and got me ready to go.  They started the softener just before midnight and Bliss and I settled in for the night.  That part was ok.  I was hooked up to a machine that checked my blood pressure every 15 min to that was a little annoying.  My back was killing me so they gave me some meds to help with that.  They were strong enough to put me right to sleep so I went though the rest of the night with no problems.

The next morning they started the pitocin.  Everything was going fine at first.  I'm not positive of the order of things anymore.  I guess there was a lot going though my head at the time :)  The nurses were increasing the amount every 15 min to keep things moving along.  For whatever reason, I was having non-functional contractions meaning that they weren't doing their job.  Also, I wasn't getting any break between the contractions.  As soon as they started to pass, another one started again.  Things were not moving like they should and I was dilating very slowly.  I wasn't able to get my epidural yet so they gave me some other meds that worked fine.  The doctor checked me again after awhile and he was able to break my water.  When the meds that they had given me had worn off, I asked for some more, but decided to wait a bit for the doctor to check me again to see if I was far enough along to get an epidural.  When Dr. Evans came back to check on me (like an hour and a half later!), I was 4 cm and 80 effaced.  You'd think with how low I had been carrying that the baby would be ready to go, but no.  She was -2.  Way up there still.  Since it was around 9:00 pm, the pitocin and contractions weren't moving things as quickly as they should, and that baby wasn't doing what she should, Dr. Evans suggested we do a c-section.
All ready to go!

Waiting for the party to start

At 9:21pm I was rolled in to the operating room.  Let me tell daughter is stubborn.  I've seen these on tv.  I've had friends and family have c-sections.  They are supposed to be easy.  You cut the mom open, you take the baby out, you sew the mom back up.  Not so much in my case.  So I'm laying there with the arms out to my sides.  Dr. Evans was on my left and was all up in my armpit pushing and moving me around.  I was moving all over the place and just knew I was going to fall off the table.  I'm not a little girl and that was a little table.  Not a good combo.  The other person (I'm assuming a dr) that was inside me asked for the table to be lowered so she could get better leverage.  I heard some popping noises where they had to use a suction cup to try to get her out.  AND they had the anesthesiologist, who was standing by my head, push from the top of my belly.  FINALLY at 9:44 they were able to get her out!  She started crying and I fell in love immediately.

She's here!!!
Dr. Evans showed her to me over the curtain then they took her away to clean her up.  Once she was cleaned, Bliss brought her over to show me my perfect little girl :)  As they closed me up and took me to recovery, Adelie was getting her tests done and a good washing.  It was great that I had her so late.  The three of us were able to spend some time as a family and love on each other.

Daddy and his little girl

Already yelling at Mom...but so much sweeter than it will be in a few years :)